I am sleeping and it is so warm & cozy... dad, wake up! I'm back.
Man, was I in dreamland....
I skied the Elm Creek Relays/TT series tonight. It was a small but fast group. I turned in a time over a minute slower than my previous time. That is no surprise following a week of sub-zero temps and a race time temp of 2F. Cold snow is slow.
After the race, with tonight's temp bottoming-out just like all week, I decided to cut my ski night short . I went home and put in the rest of my workout time on the bike. As much as I don't like indoor riding the trainer did the trick warming up my fingers and toes.
When I wrapped up my training time I still had one more chore to do. My Oldest daughter Katie (9th grader) is in orchestra. Tonight they went on a field trip see an Opera in Minneapolis and the bus was not due back until 11PM.
So at 10:45 I warmed up my car an went to the school to wait for their arrival. My car was soooo warm and before I knew it... well, you already know the rest of the story.
Knock-knock, dad!!
At least you didn't fall asleep at home and have to get out of a cozy house and into the cold! I added your page to my link list. Sorry I missed the party at the shop. #&ing work!
i fully expect to see that ss on the raam...dont wuss out on me now. hell, what do you have to worry about - you bet us all anyway....even on a trainer your faster...
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